Thursday, December 5, 2013

                                                                Life's a beach

Summer time is where the weather is mostly nice and everything just seems pleasant. With sunshine so bright and warm wind blowing trough your hair, one must not  cram oneself in a house. But rather go outside and explore the outside world that is full of wonder. (kinda daydreaming there, but hey can't help myself with this cold wintery December weather that were having) and what better way to do that, then go for a road trip :) *yayness*. Which is what my chunk of love Luc decide to bring me, two summers ago. Mind you we didn't
take any picture, cause we where busy enjoying the moment. So I'm just gonna put Google images :p .

In the end we decided to visit the village Parrsboro in Nova Scotia!! There we visited the Fundy  Geological Museum, which displays fossils, that make learning about the majestic Dinosaur much more fun.

                                                                The museum 

                                                          Inside the museum

Then after we decided to stop at the Parrsboro rock & mineral Shop. The shop has a lot of local rocks, minerals and fossils that they sell. Fun fact, the owner of the store found the smallest dinosaur fossil footprints, that is also displayed in the store.

                                                                       The store

                                                 The smallest dinosaur footprints 

From there I was brought to a beach. Not certain of its name, but was near Parrsboro. The beach was nice except for one thing....there was barnacle everywhere and they freak me out !! :o

                                            The creepy monster's called barnacle

 After this fun day we went home.I never forgot this road trip cause it was different and a little bit spontaneous. I'm am looking forward of going to a trip like this again the near future.